Justin Gulliver

Justin has many years of volunteer work behind him and has served on the committees of a number of local charities and organisations. Justin joined Project Boost in 2004 as a hospital volunteer and in 2012 became a Trustee and Chairperson. He works as a health social worker, and knows first-hand how challenging it can be for families going through difficult times. He passionately believes in the benefits of fun, laughter and happiness, and strives to ensure this remains the goal of Project Boost.
Justin is a champion UNO player and knows the real reason the chicken crossed the road.
Matt Winter
Founder & Trustee

Through his work with Camp Quality, a camp for kids living with cancer, Matt made a number of visits to Wellington Children’s Hospital. He soon realised that weekends involved long stretches of boredom for children who remained admitted. For those from out of town or whose family couldn’t be with them throughout the day, this was particularly challenging.
In 2002 Matt, along with a great bunch of like minded volunteers, set out to change this by providing a visiting service on the weekends. Many years later, that services are still running strong and boosting the spirits of kids.
Karen Scherp

Karen was a companion with Camp Quality when Matt asked for volunteers for Project Boost. She joined him and the other volunteers and began visiting Wellington Hospital Children’s ward in 2002, a role she continues to this day. In addition to volunteering, Karen joined the board as the treasurer in 2014.
Charlotte Helms

Having heard about Project Boost through a friend, Charlotte started volunteering for Project Boost in 2018, during her first year of university. She then took on the role of secretary in 2020, wanting to be more involved in the work behind the scenes. With her brother having spent a considerable amount of time in hospital, Charlotte knows how much a smiling face can lift the spirits of children in this position.
Nick Davies

Nick has been a booster since 2018 after discovering Project Boost through Camp Quality. As a Trustee, he supports the team wherever help is needed – whether it be writing grant applications, managing the website, helping run volunteer training, or just pitching in with new ideas at committee meetings. He’s is passionate about working with young people and brings experience from roles as a summer camp counsellor, afterschool programme coordinator, and teacher aide.